Vitalism, Universal, Innate Intelligence, and a Conversation about Virology with ChatGPT
Exploring the Divine Spark: How Chiropractic Philosophy Honors Universal and Innate Intelligence Within All Living Beings and Challenges Conventional Science to Redefine Truth.
Chiropractic philosophy is rooted in vitalism. Here is a definition from the Chiropractic paper “Vitalism in contemporary chiropractic: a help or a hindrance?“1
“Vitalism is the doctrine that all living organisms are sustained by an inexplicable non-physical vital force that is “both different from and greater than physical and chemical forces”
As a man created by “god/source/ creator,” I define vitalism as embracing the innate intelligence and divine spark that is inside of you. This divine spark is in all living things from every human being, to dogs, cows, grass, trees, water and so much more. When you have a small cut- your body immediately begins the clotting process. That is the innate intelligence of the divine spark. Chiropractic philosophy embodies restoring the innate so that our divine spark can thrive and do its best to maintain homeostasis in the physical and metaphysical realms. This embodies being grounded in “mind, body and spirit” and knowing thyself is at the core of chiropractic philosophy.
When asking OpenAI’s ChatGPT about chiropractic philosophy and how it applies to cellular biology and biochemistry, here is the initial response that was recorded:
I believe that ChatGPT got a lot right when it comes to the context of chiropractic philosophy. Philosophy is the study of the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is something that is always evolving, where we as humanity learn from each other's mistakes and human experiences. I agree with ChatGPT where it says “Chiropractic philosophy emphasizes the body's innate ability to heal itself through the proper function of the nervous system. At the heart of this philosophy is the belief that spinal misalignments, or subluxations, can disrupt the nervous system's ability to communicate effectively with the body's cells, ultimately impacting cellular physiology and overall homeostasis.”
I will explore and question the nature of cells themselves. I will also venture into biochemistry as the subjects overlap and the foundation of virology. From my perspective, we in the healthcare field have been gaslighted into what makes us sick and we have been lied to about what “science” actually is. If you are not allowed to question something, then it is not real science and that is dogma. Real scientists who refuse to debate are not real scientists and are regurgitating logical fallacies that are perceived as “fact.”
My qualifications to write about this subject are as follows: I have a degree in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Rhode Island, and have experience working for Pfizer Inc. as a biochemist for over one year on the COVID-19 “vaccines,” from March 2021 to April 2022.
The research of Dr. Harold Hillman questions modern biology itself. Hillman is a cytologist and neurobiologist whose life’s work spans across 50 years of research. Hillman has written 6 books before his passing, and about 150 papers on biochemistry and biochemical processes, cytology, neurobiology, and histology. In his final paper before his passing “Cell Biology is Currently in Dire Straits”2 , Hillman says the following:
“During a research career lasting more than 50 years, I have concluded that the following procedures are unsuitable for studying the biology of living cells in Intact animals and plants: subcellular fractionation; histology; histochemistry; electron microscopy; binding studies; use of ligands; immunocytochemistry; tissue slices; disruptive techniques; dehydration; deep freezing; freeze drying; boiling; use of extracellular markers; receptor studies; patch clamp measurements; inadequate calibrations. The main objections to these procedures are: (i) they change the properties of the tissues being studied grossly and significantly; (ii) they ignore the second law of thermodynamics;(iii) they produce artefacts, many of which are two-dimensional; (iv) adequate control procedures have never been published for them. I have described alternative procedures, and suggested that unsatisfactory ones should be abandoned.”
Hillman challenged the fundamental principles of biology itself. He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1997 for his report on “The possible pain experienced during execution by different methods.” 3 Harold Hillman is intellectually honest about the fact that there are very large assumptions made by biologists since the early 20th century. Biologists assume that by removing tissues or cells from the life source that it came from that it has no effect on the sample or the chemistry that is observed from these cells that are reactions of a phenomena happening outside the human body.
Hillman claims that “the nuclei, containing the nucleoli, and the mitochondria, are the only structures seen by light microscopy in the cytoplasm of living cells.”4 He goes on to say that the other structures claimed to be present in the cell are only seen in electron micrographs of dead tissue or in fixed stained histological sections. In Hillman’s co-authored book “The Living Cell” with Peter Saratory, the two explore three figures or diagrams of what generalized cells (Fig. 1), an electron micrograph of bone marrow (Fig. 2) from the 1940’s, a structure of a generalized cell from the 1940’s (Fig. 3) and compared all 3 to an image of adjacent frog liver cells which show mitochondria and what appear to be a nucleus (Fig. 9). See the figures below:
After comparing the initial diagrams of basic cells, to figures 2 and 3 and 9, it is from my own interpretation that Hillman has a plausible hypothesis that our understanding of cells is completely misunderstood. There appears to be a nucleus, and mitochondria in figure 9, and nothing else. Where is the “Golgi Apparatus,” “DNA in the cell,” “the double cell wall structure,” “the endoplasmic reticulum,” “the sodium and potassium pumps in the cell walls,” or even “receptors”? I’m supposed to believe that “receptors” are specific to say “the ‘cannabinoid system’”? Or that we have “asprin receptors"?” Or is it really just a “product” ie. opioid, cannabidiol, asprin, etc. is the product that causes an “effect.” Do we really have a “receptor” for it? Based on reading “The Living Cell,” it is my conclusion that “the cell” presented in diagrams does not portray the accurate nature of all the cell organelles that are claimed to be there. The burden of proof lies among those that are making the claim to prove that what they are saying is “true.”
This conversation is with ChatGPT about virology and the burden of proof of whether it exists. Here is my conversation with ChatGPT linked directly5:
Here is the last point made and a summary based on this conversation with ChatGPT about virology.
My conversation with ChatGPT started with initial validation that the “SARS-COV-2” virus is a real virus and has been proven to exist. I pressed ChatGPT on whether virology actually follows the scientific method in its most basic sense. When presented with information presented from Freedom of Information Act requests from the work of Christine Massey, an independent researcher out of Canada who has asked for a purified and isolated form of the SARS-COV-2 virus, or any other virus you can imagine, separated from human sample that has been proven to cause disease, as well as with the Supreme Court case in Germany with Stefan Lanka where the Measles’ virus non existence was upheld7. It admitted at the end of the conversation this direct quote, “If virology does not meet the rigorous standards of the scientific method, it fits the definition of pseudoscience by relying on assumptions rather than empirical proof.” This is a very damning admission considering the financial ramifications at the state of our world revolving around the supposed existence of these invisible particles that are at the nano level. Let’s call it “the invisible enemy,” from now on, shall we?
After receiving this answer, here is my final message to ChatGPT about its overall impact on human consciousness:
Here is ChatGPT’s response:
Chiropractic philosophy, vitalism and consciousness gets to the root of our very “being.” Dis-ease is the root of what we see in regards to “symptoms” that lead to “diseases” with names. We are all on this Earth for a reason, where we stem from the same collective divine spark energy. We have our own individual consciousness that is a portion of the collective. Chiropractic is a method of healing and facilitation of the body, mind, and spirit, and taking the entire sentient being in the present moment. I choose to stand in my own authority and bring to light and question this construct that we have been told to accept as absolute truth. I under-, inner-, and overstand that the statements brought about in this paper are controversial to someone who has not looked into this material, or questioned everything that is “natural science” quite like I have. Cognitive dissonance is defined as : “mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes” 8 . It is without a doubt there is “something” that has manipulated human consciousness to believe that we must live in a state of fear. I choose love. May these words inspire you to embrace your potential, live without fear, and create a life of your highest timeline.
Simpson JK, Young KJ. Vitalism in contemporary chiropractic: a help or a hinderance?. Chiropr Man Therap. 2020;28(1):35. Published 2020 Jun 11. doi:10.1186/s12998-020-00307-8
Hillman H. Cell biology is currently in dire straits [Internet]. Unity Laboratory of Applied Neurobiology; Guildford, Surrey, U.K.; 2011. Available from:
Hillman H. The possible pain experienced during execution by different methods. Perception. 1993;22(6):745-753. doi:10.1068/p220745
Hillman H, Sartory P. The Living Cell. Guildford, U.K.: Packard Publishing; 1980.
OpenAI. ChatGPT [Internet]. Available from: Accessed December 13, 2024.
Fluoride Free Peel. FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-CoV-2 isolation/purification [Internet]. Available from: Accessed December 13, 2024.
Vaccine Impact. German Supreme Court upholds biologist’s claim that measles virus does not exist [Internet]. Available from: Accessed December 13, 2024.
American Psychological Association. Cognitive dissonance [Internet]. Available from: Accessed December 13, 2024.